Monday, November 16, 2009

Women on the Edge of Evolution - Jean Houston

I've just finished listening to an amazing interview with Jean Houston as the second part of the teleseminar series, "Women on the Edge of Evolution." If you have not registered for this free series it is definitely worth your time and attention.

To sign up, simply go to . If you can't listen at the time of broadcast, all interviews are archived and available immediately following the session. The entire series is focused around the idea that women all around the world are feeling the push to be part of the sweep of changes that are forming our future. By the second week over 15,000 women were listening in!

Anyway, back to Jean Houston. She is one remarkable woman, and she has some wonderful advice for those of us who are feeling the push to make a difference in the future, to be part of the evolutionary changes that are happening NOW!

Houston said:

I like to mythologize rather than pathologize. Women get caught, at the psychological level in western notions of ego. This is but one image of the self. Polyphrenia, the orchestration of our many selves is our expanded health. We live 5 or 6 different personalities, different roles during the course of the day. We also have a whole crew inside ourselves. We can take on different inner personas when we need their strengths. Women need to get to know the different people inside – the many different faces. As you begin to take on aspects of the crew of yourself, you will be able to access their strengths and wisdom. Make a list and become comfortable with these qualities of your aspects. These qualities will give a different perspective, different power and genius. Self-evolvement happens in accelerated fashion when women tap into polyphrenia.

So, my suggestion for today is to take some time today to begin to list and get comfortable with your personal crew.

Hugs and Star Sparkles, Ariel

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